
200 g lightly salted salmon

40-50 g olives

60 g cheese

5 eggs

1 orange

1-2 tbsp red caviar




green onions



Hard-boiled eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks and grate on a medium grater.

Cut the salmon into small slices.

Peel the orange from the peel and fibers and cut the pulp into cubes.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Cut the olives into rings.

Lay out the salad in layers.

The first layer is half the protein mixed with mayonnaise.

Next, spread the yolks, salt, pepper to taste and a little grease with mayonnaise.

We spread half the salmon with a third layer and coat with mayonnaise.

Then olives and the rest of the salmon.

Then spread the cheese and some mayonnaise.

We put oranges in the next layer, and on top of the remaining proteins mixed with mayonnaise.

Salad is decorated with caviar and olives, and in the center we put a half of a quail egg.